Dying Light PlayStation 4. During the day you will explore the city in search of provisions and weapons. When the night falls, however, this troubled world undergoes a dramatic transformation that gives the gameplay a new dimension. You, as a hunter by day, become the hunted. The infected increase their strength, but something more sinister lurks in the dark to begin its prowl.
Im playing the pre order, this is actually like 10 times better than Dead Island series. The story is strong compared to Dead Island, the Parkour matches and sometimes is even better than Mirror Edge's. The Combat is actually awesome, incredible addictive. When you go alone to the city it makes you thrill , this game is actually good, nothing like people were saying.
Graphics on PS4 are amazing, this is one of the best looking game so far on PS4 catalog.
Physics and ambience are absolutely superb at this title. Ive played about 2 hours and i can say this is a good game, it could get to the point that it will be boring, but lets hope it does not happen. Dying Light PlayStation 4.